Get the Glow!

If you want your health to improve, if you want to glow with wellness and beauty, and if you really want your life to change for the better -- you have to do something different than what you are doing now. The foods we choose to fill us make all the difference because everything we eat becomes a part of us.

What we eat radically affects the way we think, feel and behave. It is nutrient-rich, real, authentic, alive foods that put a sparkle in our eye, a glow to our skin and hair and a feeling of pure energy, beauty and joy from the inside out.

If you insist on eating processed, dead foods that are devoid of nutrients, you will feel devoid of energy, radiance and vitality. Your body cannot live on dead food energy. If you want to feel alive, glowing and beautiful, doesn’t it make sense to fill yourself with foods that are alive with energy and vibrantly beautiful, instead of foods that are devoid of life and even vibrant color??

Even mice fed live foods have three times more energy and endurance than when they are fed cooked foods! And when we have more energy, we glow. Our food, as all of life, has electrical energy and the potential to enhance our own glowing life-force. “You are what you eat” — it’s true!

Raw food is complete with everything that allowed it to sprout and grow in the first place -- enzymes, water, oxygen, vitamins and minerals and so much more. It was divinely designed to be perfect by nature. Untouched, untainted, raw food is honest food -- what you see is what you get. No hidden ingredients, nothing messed around with, just pure delicious fresh live food that we are designed to eat - living food for living bodies. Natural foods, alive with energy, creates new life, new cells and glowing wellness. These are the foods that nourish and give us vibrant health, glowing wellness, exquisite beauty, an exceptional quality of life and longevity.

Foods that Rob You of Beauty

Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners / Refined Flour and Gluten / Heated & Processed Oils / Dairy

A Few Foods that Enhance Your Beauty:

Greens — The sexiest of all food groups. Chlorophyll is one of nature’s greatest healers. If you want to glow, choose greens — arugula, collards, parsley, kale, chard, watercress, nettles, dandelion, spinach, sprouts — any green, any time!

Try to include at least one good green salad into your diet every day— two if you can. Add greens to your smoothies! Juice greens! Fuel your glow with greens!

Olives – Olives are perhaps the most beautifying food of all. They are one of the highest natural sources of vitamin E, known to erase fine lines on the face, repair connective tissue, heal the circulatory system and soothe digestion. They are high in antioxidants and squalene to keep the skin smooth. (Canned olives are pasteurized and don’t contain these beneficial properties.)

Coconut – In Sanskrit, the coconut palm is known as “the tree that supplies all that is needed to live.” It contains one of the most healing fats of all foods and the remarkable ability to rejuvenate tissue damage. So, repairing and nourishing the skin with coconut should be approached by both eating the coconut and massaging it’s oil into the skin. It also heals and prevents stretch marks.

Cucumber – cucumbers have the reputation as the most excellent kidney cleanser known – they prevent puffiness and bloating due to water retention – and they are very hydrating.

Radish — Very high in both sulfur and silica, and one of the highest vegetable sources of vitamin C! Sulfur and silicon work together with vitamin C to create glowing, radiant skin.

Pineapple — Rich in bromelain, manganese and collagen-healing vitamin C, pineapple contains enzymes that make skin elastic, improve skin hydration, reduce inflammation and remove damaged and dead cells for a clear and glowing complexion. The enzymes in pineapples also fight free-radical damage and can reduce age spots and fine lines. It can even help curb sugar cravings!

Figs — One of the most nutritious fruits in the world, with one of the highest concentrations of calcium than any other food. Sweet and sexy, figs increase fertility and are a symbol of abundance.

Get the glow and bring color and vibrancy back into your life with the power of fresh, whole raw foods!!

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